We take safety seriously
Luhan Group has in place a Safety management plan which establishes a standard for the management of Occupational health and safety. It is our duty to ensure the health and safety of all workers while at work. We recognise an outstanding safety record is directly linked to our clients. We believe safety starts with each worker and our safety goal is ZERO: zero injuries to our staff.
Before the placement of our employees on site we ensure
- Employees have necessary qualifications, licenses and skills
- All employees undergo Luhan Group safety and induction.
- Employees have necessary PPE required.
- Site inspection of the proposed workplace has been carried out.
- Verify client will provide site specific and task specific induction.
- Approve the Clients Site specific SWMS and overall OHS Management Plan.
- Agreement with all clients that employees operate under their Site safety plan and utilise the SWMS approved per project.
During the placement of our employees on site we ensure
- Regular contact with our clients
- A safe workplace by carrying out workplace inspections
- Updated competency registers per project
- Regular OHS tool box talks
- Notify change of workplace arrangements
- Return to work plan in place – in the event of an injury we strive to get employees back to work as soon as possible to reduce Loss time injuries
- Update training were needed
- We encourage our workers to maintain contact with luhan group and provide feedback on health and safety matters in the workplace.
We work closely with our clients to
- Ensure employees understand and are confident with work health and safety policies, procedures and practices
- Ensure a safe workplace is provided
- Ensure adequate Supervison of our workers to ensure the work is being performed safely.